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Diabetes Mellitus

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You Don’t Have to Face it Alone

The number of diabetes mellitus patients is steadily increasing all over the world – especially in Singapore, where the prevalence of diabetes is one of the highest in the world. Besides being a condition of abnormally high blood glucose, it is typically linked with a variety of problems including heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. Diabetes is categorised by predominantly two distinct types: Type I and Type II.


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Let Us Ease Your Worries About All Kinds of Thyroid Problems

While thyroid problems are not visible, they are extremely common, particularly for women. Thyroid disorders affect the body’s regulatory functions in several ways, and it concerns the thyroid gland – which is responsible for controlling some metabolic processes in your body.


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Private consultation for male-related health issues.

We know that having male-related health problems can be worrying. Many people often do not seek medical attention because of embarrassment or very often put their problems down to be caused by ‘old age’. Such problems should not be ignored, and may escalate further to cause additional stressors and problems.

General Endocrine Problems

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Private Endocrinologist in Singapore

Endocrine problems and disorders can be caused by the dysfunction of this system, resulting in common endocrine problems. These include diabetes mellitus, overproduction of growth hormones, overactive thyroid, obesity and cholesterol disorders, among others. While severe consequences of endocrine problems are rare, we highly advocate that you seek medical screening, tests or treatment from a reputable endocrinologist to avoid further complications that can possibly arise.

Make an Appointment

Our experienced staff will take care of you and advise you on your best treatment.

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